悲愤用英语怎么说 悲愤的英语翻译

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悲愤用英语怎么说 悲愤的英语翻译

2023-04-07 15:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

悲愤的英语是"grief and indignation",还网络中常译为"lament and resent",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到21个与悲愤相关的短语释义和例句。


1. grief and indignation

悲愤翻译为grief and indignation。

示例:我心烦意乱,发出了一声悲愤的吼叫。I was distraught and let out a bellow of tearful rage.


2. lament and resent

悲愤翻译为lament and resent。

示例:一霎时,一阵被人摒弃、为世所遗忘的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。In no time, I was thrown into a feeling of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the world and could not help crying my heart out.


3.   grievedandindignation

悲愤翻译为   grievedandindignation。

示例:对于一个历经灾难的国家和,这次的悲剧尤显残酷,令人悲愤难解。Indeed, for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.


4. sad and angered

悲愤翻译为sad and angered。

示例:- it angered the Great Shepherd.- 这触怒了至高牧神. - 神灵才不会这样做. - It angered the Great Shepherd.



1. alackaday(呜呼 表惊奇或悲愤等)


Grief Indignation ( 悲愤之水 )

grief and indignation ( 悲愤填膺 )

Screamers ( 悲愤呐喊 )

Night of Anguish ( 悲愤的夜晚 )

Impioned by lamentation and indignation ( 慷慨悲愤 )

daz ich es ie mit ir began ( 呜呼悲愤炙 )

grief and indignation ( 悲痛愤怒 )

Sadness and Anger ( 悲伤和愤怒 )

Jil dumh dig qyas byongs ( 悲愤抑难泻 )


1. What right do you have to talk like this? i'm a Korean in Japan. i'm sad and angry that he's become like this.

译文:我是日本的韩国人 他变成现在这样我很悲愤。

2. For by the image of my cause i see the portraiture of his.


3. it's all kind of human and awful and... sad.

译文:这就是各式各样的人,丑陋... 悲愤。

4. The whole town is in mourning.


5. They made him die of grief.


6. in grief at her comrades' deaths... her heart has turned to steel.

译文:因同伴之死而生的悲愤心情 已经使她变成了铁石心肠。

7. But then the anger and the depression about my father's death set in.


8. All the decency you once had, poisoned by violence and tragedy.

译文:你的内心被 暴力和悲愤所侵蚀。

9. Big hit the trees amidst anger


10. Save yourself bruises and buy yourself a bedside lamp.


11. Can't you see him yearning to express his pain in a poem?

译文:难道你看不到,他正渴望通过作诗 来表达他的悲愤吗。

12. Our default response has become to leap to react to any kind of grievance by tweeting, Facebooking, hastagging -- anything to show others that we, too, have reacted.

译文:人们默认的表达悲愤的方式是通过 在推特、脸书上发文 任何能够让他人知道我们 作出反应的方式。

13. But it will writhe inside of itself!


14. Well, ha, ha, aside from being grief-stricken...

译文:好了,哈,哈,除了被 悲愤欲绝...。

15. Consumed by grief and anger,






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